What is the risk of spreading COVID-19 to our pets

What is the risk of spreading COVID-19 to our pets?

The novel coronavirus is believed to have had an animal origin. A recent study in China showed that animals, especially pets and those interacting with humans, have started contracting the disease. The first case, a... Read more
How often should you clean your pet during the COVID-19 pandemic

How often should you clean your pet during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Having a dog or any other pet does not mean you must have protective gear for them or cover them. On the contrary, practising essential hygienic habits, such as cleaning their paws, can go a... Read more
African Rock Pythons - Are They Good Pets

African Rock Pythons – Are They Good Pets?

Many people like snakes as pets. Most will start with a beginner snake, such as a corn snake. However, as time passes, they like having larger snakes as pets. One of the largest in the... Read more
Can Anyone Keep Bees

Can Anyone Keep Bees?

While bees aren’t a usual pet for people to keep, there is still a huge fascination with them. Furthermore, there are people who want to know if anyone can keep bees, or if it is... Read more
Can You Use Human Medicine For Animals

Can You Use Human Medicine For Animals?

There are times that come where we need to give our pets medicines. That is an unfortunate time for both the animal and the owner. However, sometimes, you may have medicine for your pet that... Read more
Cockroaches As Pets - Good or Strange

Cockroaches As Pets – Good or Strange?

Many people see cockroaches as pests, not pets. However, there are some people that like the idea of some species of cockroaches as a pet. Whether that is the kind that you imagine (or worse,... Read more
How To Keep Bugs as Pets

How To Keep Bugs as Pets

Not everyone wants to keep “normal” animals as pets. Sometimes, people want to keep something different. Whether that is because the animals need different things, or if it is because they look different and intriguing.... Read more
When Do Pet Fish Sleep

When Do Pet Fish Sleep?

If you have an aquarium or have seen one regularly, then you have probably noticed that they are always swimming around. They may change the pace of their movements, but you never see one lying... Read more
Best Small Pets To Own For Beginners

Best Small Pets To Own For Beginners

More and more people are living in smaller housing and apartments than ever before, and that number is not likely to decrease. What does that mean for want-to-be pet owners? Well, in simple terms, you... Read more
What Reptiles Can You NOT Keep As Pets

What Reptiles Can You NOT Keep As Pets?

There are so many types of reptiles that people are starting to keep as pets. They range from small ones to some pretty large and dangerous reptiles. However, what reptiles can you not keep as... Read more
Pet Jumping Spider - Are They Good Pets

Pet Jumping Spider – Are They Good Pets?

It can come as a surprise to many people that jumping spiders are becoming more and more popular as pets. Yes, they are a lot smaller than the common pet spider – a tarantula, but... Read more
Are Pet Snakes Good Pets

Are Pet Snakes Good Pets?

Pet snakes are hugely popular for people to own. However, one of the most common questions for people looking for a pet snake is; are pet snakes good? The easy answer to that is yes... Read more