Choosing Pet Fish

When you choose pet fish and feel like a kid in a candy store, beware. It may be fun to select pet fish by their colour or size, but it’s not realistic. There are essential things to consider when you are looking through the glass of the pet fish aquarium in the store or shop:

Before choosing any pet fish, read up on the different breeds so you will be sure you can care for their health (their specific diets) and their environment (the chemical balances in and temperatures of the water). For example, you might need algae-control, so you might want to consider getting a clownfish or catfish. Also, before selecting pet fish, consider getting fish that school together. In other words, if you get more than one breed or species, make sure they will get along.

When buying your chosen pet fish, consider the number of them you want, and ask yourself if your tank can contain 2 inches of fish for every gallon of water in the tank. Remember that some fish (like catfish) grow –quite big and quite long–so consider if you can replace the container in a couple of years for them to swim about freely and have plenty of hiding space(s), also.

When you visit the shop, how well cared for do the pet fish tanks appear? Are the sides and tops free of gook and grunge? If not, avoid shopping at that store. Are the plants in the containers healthy? Is the tank water (in all tanks) clean and clear? If not, the water chemistry is off and/or has not been cleaned; therefore, the health of the fish will be questionable.

Are the pet fish you are considering new arrivals to the shop? If so, they may have a disease or be too stressed from travelling to move one more time to your house. So as you look at all tanks, if any fish in any container is dead or any fish has cloudy eyes, a torn fin, or body sores (or any fish looks lazy or tired), go to another shop for active, alert, plump, and colourful fish. Though not candy–not a penny apiece and not edible…ahem–you want to be as delighted in the pet fish store as you are in a candy store.

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