Are Cat Fleas Dangerous To Humans

Are Cat Fleas Dangerous To Humans?

If I am honest, I don’t know where this question has come from. However, here we are looking at if cat fleas are dangerous to humans. The truth of the matter is that if you... Read more
are dog flaps safe

Are Dog Flaps Safe or Should You Avoid Them?

As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases which allows us to continue our work. Most people have seen cat flaps, a little personal door for your cat to get in and out of... Read more
Are Cat Scratches Dangerous

Are Cat Scratches Dangerous?

About 4 years ago, there was an article in one of the main national press channels that “Cuddling kittens can kill you.” The reason that they wrote that is because of a disease known as... Read more
Are Crested Geckos Easy To Take Care Of

Are Crested Geckos Easy To Take Care Of?

Crested Geckos are pretty easy to take care of, yes. Like all animals, they do have some pretty specific requirements. It was only in 1994 that they were rediscovered from people thinking that they were... Read more
Are Bearded Dragons Friendly

Are Bearded Dragons Friendly?

If you are looking at getting a reptile for a pet, your first thought maybe that they are not very friendly, especially when they puff their beards up. However, that is when they are not... Read more
Are Cat Food Pouches Recyclable

Are Cat Food Pouches Recyclable?

Plastics are a huge concern to the planet, and we all want to do our part in helping the climate change battle that we live in. That makes us question everything that we do with... Read more
Are Pet Mice Nocturnal

Are Pet Mice Nocturnal?

If you are thinking of owning pet mice, you may want to know if they are nocturnal or not. Well, this article looks at some of the behaviors of mice and their sleeping habits. If... Read more
Can You Have A Pet Chinchilla In Australia

Can You Have A Pet Chinchilla In Australia?

Unfortunately, Chinchillas are banned pets in Australia. Along with other pets that they classify as exotic, they believe that they are a threat to the natural ecosystem; thus, it is illegal. Other pets that Australia... Read more
Are Guinea Pigs Nocturnal

Are Guinea Pigs Nocturnal?

Guinea pigs are not the most active creatures in the day. That can leave people thinking that they are nocturnal creatures, sleeping while you are out at work, shopping, or just general running around. It... Read more
Are Dog Years Real

Are Dog Years Real?

It is a prevalent thought that a dog’s life passes by faster than humans, and that is true, if only for the fact that a dog lives a lot less time than a human does.... Read more
Are Iguanas Herbivores

Are Iguanas Herbivores? What Do They Eat?

Iguanas are classified as omnivores, so they will eat anything that they are given. That is especially true when you are talking about Iguanas in captivity, such as pet Iguanas. If you were to watch... Read more
Are Crested Geckos Friendly

Are Crested Geckos Friendly?

If you have ever seen a Crested Gecko, you will have noticed that they are very flighty creatures. They are always looking for the next place to go, something to jump on, somewhere to hide.... Read more