Are Maine Coon Cats Friendly

Are Maine Coon Cats Friendly? – The Truth

As one of the biggest domestic cat breeds, they can look very intimidating. Some of the intimidation is due to their looks (especially for the European breeds), as well as their size. It is those... Read more
Are Pet Turtles Friendly

Are Pet Turtles Friendly?

If you are looking for a reptile pet, you and your children may be drawn towards the visual appeal of a turtle. There is nothing not to like about them. They make no noise, easy... Read more
Are Pet Mice Friendly

Are Pet Mice Friendly?

Everyone loves a friendly pet, especially one that children can handle, watch, and look after on their own. Children love mice as they are on a lot of TV programs and films. However, that does... Read more
Are Bearded Dragons Friendly

Are Bearded Dragons Friendly?

If you are looking at getting a reptile for a pet, your first thought maybe that they are not very friendly, especially when they puff their beards up. However, that is when they are not... Read more
Are Crested Geckos Friendly

Are Crested Geckos Friendly?

If you have ever seen a Crested Gecko, you will have noticed that they are very flighty creatures. They are always looking for the next place to go, something to jump on, somewhere to hide.... Read more