Pet Food for Four or Forty

Pet Food for Four or Forty

We were best friends in high school, she with her family on a farm up the hill where apple orchards grew, and one dog and two cats ran free and I on a smaller farm... Read more
Can Different Cat Food Reduce Allergens

Can Different Cat Food Reduce Allergens?

The view has always been that you have two options if you have a cat allergy. One is to not have cats, which is a real nightmare for our cat lovers. The other option was... Read more
What Do Bearded Dragons Eat In The Wild

What Do Bearded Dragons Eat In The Wild?

It is always interesting to know what your pet would eat if they were in the wild. However, there is never a reason that is big enough for you to ever let a captive animal... Read more
How To Feed A Pet Spider

How To Feed A Pet Spider

Many people like the idea of keeping pet spiders. Yes, we know, some people hate them with a passion, too. However, I doubt that those people are looking at this article. One thing that comes... Read more
How Is Dry Dog Food Is Made

How Is Dry Dog Food Is Made?

Most people know how human food is made, or at least the majority of it, and it is nice to know. However, many people like to see how their pet’s food is made, too. This... Read more
Pet Food Shortage From Lockdown

Pet Food Shortage From Lockdown?

Some of you may have noticed that there has been a pet food shortage now that we are finally (hopefully) getting to the end of the lockdown in the UK. Most of the food shortage... Read more
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?

Bearded dragons are omnivores and will, and should, eat a mixture of vegetables and insects. They need the animal protein from the insects and vitamins and minerals from the fruit and vegetables. However, can bearded... Read more
How To Feed A Pet Snake

How To Feed A Pet Snake

Exotic pets are extremely in demand, and it is easy to see why people would like to have a pet snake. However, snake care is important to understand BEFORE you have one. Some people will... Read more
What To Feed My Pet Owl

What To Feed My Pet Owl

First of all, we would like to say that, if you are looking at having an owl as a pet, you need to do a lot of research first. They are extremely difficult birds to... Read more
What Do Pet Ferrets Eat

What Do Pet Ferrets Eat?

Ferrets do not absorb nutrients from food effectively, so it is vital that you feed them the right food to stop them from becoming poorly. However, what do pet ferrets eat? While they will eat... Read more
What To Feed A Pet Chinchilla

What To Feed A Pet Chinchilla

As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases which allows us to continue our work. So, you are looking at having a Chinchilla as a pet. Providing you are not in Australia, that should... Read more
What Does A Pet Chinchilla Need

What Does A Pet Chinchilla Need?

Understanding what a pet requires is essential to looking after them properly, and of course, you need to know before you have one. Chinchillas are no different from any other animal in the fact that... Read more