How To Clean A Pet Rabbit

How To Clean A Pet Rabbit

If you have ever owned a rabbit, you will know that they usually take care of cleaning themselves. However, there are times that they cannot, or do not, do it very well, and you need... Read more
How often should you clean your pet during the COVID-19 pandemic

How often should you clean your pet during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Having a dog or any other pet does not mean you must have protective gear for them or cover them. On the contrary, practising essential hygienic habits, such as cleaning their paws, can go a... Read more
Most Cats Detest Water And Will Avoid It At All Cost

Most Cats Detest Water And Will Avoid It At All Cost

However, there are a few surprises, do you know which cats like water? A lot of cats hate water because they know that they don’t belong in it, and it does not feel right on... Read more