

Historical Origins Ke Late test cat northwest originating LVL plateau of Thailand is an ancient species. This was introduced in the U.S. from Thailand in 1959, and in 1965 recognized by the U.S. cat lovers.... Read more
LaPerm - Cat Pradesh

LaPerm – Cat Pradesh

Species name: cat Pradesh English name: LaPerm Pradesh Cat History: originated in the U.S. state of Oregon farm cat. Pradesh Cat Appearance: Cat hair some curl Pradesh, large ears, look very cute. Breed Profile: LaPerm... Read more
What Does A Cat DoorMat Say About You

What Does A Cat DoorMat Say About You

I have a cat collection. It only takes most people about ten minutes to find out that I am a cat lover. I have two cats that live with us and hundreds of items that... Read more
Cat Doormat

Cat Doormat

As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases which allows us to continue our work. In the United States, there are few things that people fawn over as much as their pets. The pet... Read more