Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Know From Pony Saddles To Horse Shoes

Have you ever been to a horse show and see the sleek, shiny horses of every size and color performing at the peak of their splendor? If not, you don’t know what you’re missing. Come along now on a trip to the country, and the wonderful world of the show.

As soon as you start to bump along the old dirt road that leads to the show grounds, you’ll feel the excitement in the air. It’s a kind of excitement like a light fever, horse fever. Anyone who likes animals loves horses, and almost everywhere you look you’ll see horses some being ridden in a comfortable, relaxed manner by seasoned professional riders; some being held by proud, smiling grandmothers; some acting frisky in the crisp morning air as soft-voiced grooms do their best to quiet down the snorting animals; some standing peacefully, gently nuzzling their affectionate owners. Young riders will be scurrying in every direction, hunting for the proper number to wear on their backs so the judges can identify them quickly, – searching for their hunt caps or derbies before the next class begins, or maybe just plain trying to find a mother. Other riders may be out for some early morning practice, putting the high-stepping Saddle Horses through a walk, trot, and canter. Or you may see a well-dressed rider in black boots and canary-yellow riding breeches taking a big, rangy hunter over the outside hunt course where the jumps are like the actual jumps a rider would meet on a real hunt. You’ll hold your breath the first time you see that Thoroughbred collects himself and go up and over a four-foot stone wall with the ease and grace of a dancer.

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