
The Balinese is a breed of oriental cat with long hair and Siamese-style markings, or points. They resemble a Siamese with a medium-length silky coat and a plumed tail, but not nearly as fluffy as a Himalayan, and they require much less grooming. Balinese are brilliant cats, although less talkative than their Siamese ancestors.


The Balinese is a variety of oriental cat, having long hair and Siamese-style markings, or points. The breed originated in the early 1900s and was initially registered as a “longhaired Siamese” with CFF in 1928, but this longhaired version was promoted as a breed after 1940′s. The occasional longhaired kittens in a Siamese litter were previously seen as an oddity and were sold as household pets rather than as show cats. Then in the mid-1950s, two breeders, Mrs. Marion Dorsey of California and Mrs. Helen Smith of New York, decided to begin a breeding program for the longhaired cats. Helen Smith named this breed of cats “Balinese” as she felt they have grace and beauty of Balinese dancers, and “longhaired Siamese” is not a proper name for such graceful breed. After this, the race became quite popular, and several breeders started working on “perfecting” the Balinese appearance.


Just like Siamese, the Balinese has a long & slim body with a wedge-shaped head, and vivid blue eyes. A Balinese cat is quite aristocratic in appearance. It has a long body, big head, and tall legs. The Balinese has a delicate, silky, single coat lying close to the collection, with a hair length of half-inch to two inches. These cats are famous for their long, plume tail. The Balinese come in a variety of traditional colors, like blue, chocolate, lilac, seal, lynx, etc.; as well as less traditional colors, like cream and red. However, in the Cat Fanciers’ Association, only the four traditional Siamese colors of Balinese are accepted, and all other colors and patterns are considered Javanese.

The Balinese cat has the same body type and physical characteristics as the Siamese cat. There are two types of Balinese cats: – the extreme Balinese with a svelte and elegant body, wedge-like head, and large ears that continue the triangular shape, – the traditional Balinese which resembles the conventional Siamese.

The eyes are almond-shaped and vivid blue in both the varieties.

The only difference between the Siamese and the Balinese is the coat length – Balinese cats are longhair.


Balinese cats are friendly, emotional, affectionate, and extremely intelligent cats. They are known for their ability to communicate in their way. These cats are very alert & active. They love the attention of the people around them. Like the Siamese, these cats are very playful and love human company. Though the Balinese is a social creature, it is sometimes even found talking to itself.

Suitable for

Balinese cats are ideal for anyone and are ideal for families.


The Balinese cat will need regular brushing for its coat.

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